Troop 244

Be Prepared. Troop 244 Does More!

Prepare yourself for adventure – the adventure of a lifetime.
Welcome to the website for Scout Troop 244, in Portage, Michigan.

Scouting is an adventure that offers boys and girls an abundance of outdoor experiences including camping, hiking, climbing, caving, canoeing, sailing, rafting, and kayaking. Along the way, they learn the skills necessary to face challenges in the field as well as in daily life; as the Scout motto puts it, “Be Prepared.”

If you are a troop member, or a parent or family member of a troop member, refer to the News and Calendar pages.

If you are not already a member of the troop, please check out the the About Us and Pictures pages. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact any of the parent leaders, or feel free to join us any Tuesday evening for our regular troop meeting.

Whether you’re a newcomer, a current member, or an alumnus of the troop, please visit our web site often. We think you’ll agree that Troop 244 Does More!

Boy Scouts - Troop 244

About The BSA

The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.

Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

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If you have any questions, or would like additional information about Troop 244, click the button below.

Troop 244